Blog | Post Setting

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Blog | Post Setting

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The Post Setting window, opened by the Add... or Edit... commands in the Blog | Contents window, are for creating or editing a post in the Blog.

This window has two sections:

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Contents section

Use the commands in this section to set up and enter the contents of a post:

Title: you can give the Post a title.
Category: you can choose a category for the Post. As for the Author field, you can type the name of a new category or select one from the list.
Cover: select the graphic file (.JPG, .GIF, .PNG.) of the picture you want to use for the post's cover. Use the button to search for the file in the online library or use the Select file  button to search through the folders on your computer.
Author: you can name the post's author, typing the name in the field or selecting it from the list.
Caption: you can write a brief description of the Post.
Publication Date: sets the date, taking it from an internal calendar, and time for publishing the post. All posts can be shown in a preview and published during the online export phase. However, the posts will only be visible to the public on the date and time that is indicated here.

Use the Publication Date option to prepare and publish posts beforehand, scheduling them so that they are displayed according to the date and time given for each one.

Tag: you can enter a list of tags, which are brief descriptions of the main contents of a Post. You can associate several tags with a Post, writing one after the other and separating them by commas (e.g. "tag1, tag2, tag3, ...").
URL Pagina: this gives the URL address for reaching the page when it is published online. The field is divided into two parts: the first part cannot be changed and it shows the initial portion of the URL, taken from the WebSite Address (URL) that is indicated in Website Settings | General; the second part repeats the post’s title, and it can be changed.

The URLs for the post pages must be created correctly so that they are easy to remember for users and help gain good search-engine rankings. Remember that:

any changes made to the page’s URL do not affect the title;
the URL must be unique, so it is not possible to give the same address to different pages.
Content: you can write your Post in an editor which is the same as the one for the Text Object.
Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Resources section

A post can include photo galleries, videos, sources and comments, as well as the actual contents.


The commands for adding an Audio/Video to the post are:

Audio/Video type: this specifies whether the audio/video to add is a local file, a file that has already been published online or a file uploaded to YouTube/Vimeo. You must give the name of the offline folder where it is stored or the URL where it is published, depending on the audio/video you choose to add. If you add files from your computer or from the Internet (but not from YouTube/Vimeo), they can be either videos in .MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPG or .MOV format, or audio files in .MP3, .WMA, .WAV, .MID, .AIF or .M4A format. The audio/video that you add is played/displayed in the Post by the built-in player.
Maximum size: this defines the maximum width and height in pixels that the videos can have. Leave the Keep Ratio selected to keep the ratio between width and height.

The options for adding a SlideShow to the post are:

Image list: creates the list of pictures in the slideshow that has been added to the Post using the following commands:

Add... / Remove: these commands either add a new picture or delete the selected one.
Move up / Move down: these commands can change the order in which pictures are displayed, moving the selected picture up or down in the list.
Edit: this opens the selected picture in the built-in Image Editor so that it can be edited.
Effect...: you can choose a display effect for the image selected from those in the File List.
Maximum size: this defines the maximum width and height (in  pixels) that the pictures in the slideshow can have. Leave the Keep Ratio selected to keep the ratio between width and height.

The slideshow is created, by default, as a Classic Slideshow. (see Gallery Object | Style)

The following options are available for making a list of Sources:

Description and URL of sources: you can create a list of sources used to write your Post using the following commands:
Add... / Remove: you can add a new source or delete the selected one.
Move up / Move down: you can select a source and move it to a different position in the list.
Edit: you can edit the selected source. You can also click twice on a source to edit it. To enter a source correctly, write the name of the website followed by its URL between the < > characters (for example "WebSite X5 <>"): only the text will be displayed as the source and the URL will be used to create a link to it.

Finally, the section Options has this command:

Do not allow comments on this Post: if you select this option, visitors will not be able to make comments on the current Post.

Remember that you can use the FeedReady App to show Posts to visitors (see How to broadcast website contents with an App)

If Posts contain videos and/or photo galleries, the contents can be displayed on mobile devices via the App.


Best practices:


How to organize Blog and Comments and Ratings Object comments from the online Control Panel


Further information:


Blogs: their characteristics and how they work


The online Control Panel and the WebSite X5 Manager app