Commands in the Style section

Step 4 - Pages > Page Layout Table and Toolbar Commands > Object Style >

Commands in the Style section

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You can use the commands in this section to define the style of the object you have selected in the page layout table.

First of all, you have to choose the type of Background you want for the object, and you can choose from:

Colored background: the background is filled with a solid color.

Gradient background: the background is filled with shaded color and you can specify the first and final colors, and the direction of the shading.

Image background: an image is used as the object's background.

Fit to Cell background: the background image is cut and fitted exactly to the size of the object (see How to work on the Object style)

You can now specify the Settings for each background style. The possible available objects are:

Color: specifies the color to be used as the background filler color.
Start Color / End Color: specify the first and final colors of the shading.
Diffusion: indicates whether the first or final color is the most important, defining the space (as a %) in which the transition from the first and final color is to occur.
Direction: set the angle width according to which the shade is oriented.
Image File: indicates the image file (.JPG, .GIF, .PNG.) for the picture to use as the background. You can choose an image from the online library that opens when you click on the button, or from an offline folder by clicking on the File selection button.
Repeat: indicates whether the page background image is to be repeated, or not. It can be repeated horizontally, vertically or in both directions so that it occupies all the available space. The background image can also be resized so that it adapts to the available space.
Alignment: you can specify how the background image is to be aligned inside the cell area.
Color Saturation: you can change the color hue of the object's background image: a "coloring" effect is applied to the image so that it tends towards the color you want.
Block width / Block height: you can set the size of the portions of the background image to be cut, so that you can indicate which parts of the image are to remain fixed, and which are to be repeated (see How to work with the Object Style).
Opacity: you can set the amount of transparency of the background's image/color/shading. Values closer to 0 increase transparency of the object's background, letting the page's background show through.

You can use the options in the Border section to define:

Thickness: the thickness of the borders (each one may be defined separately).
Color: the color of the borders (again, each border can be colored separately).
Rounded corners: how rounded the corners are (each one can be defined separately).
Shadow: a shadow, specifying its color, position, diffusion and size.

Finally, you can use the options Alignment and Margin to define the following:

Alignment: this option aligns the object with the Top/Center/Bottom and Left/Center/Right of its cell.
Outer Margin / Inner Margin: these options set the value in pixels of the outer and inner margins of the current object (see The Box Model in WebSite X5).


Best practices:


How to work with the Object Style

Further information:


The Box Model in WebSite X5