Project Optimization

Step 5 - Export >

Project Optimization

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In this window the analysis of the Project is started or updated in order to check its level of optimization at 2 levels:

1.  at the level of SEO parameters, in order to index and rank the site on Search Engines;
2. at the level of linked resources, in order to keep the size of the Project under control

During the development of the site, in fact, it may happen either that all the data required for a good optimization on the SEO side have not been entered, as well as it may happen that files from time to time imported, and perhaps then no longer used, go to unnecessarily increase the size of the project file.

In this window, therefore, based on the analysis performed, both a series of errors and/or warnings for SEO and summary data on the status of the Project are displayed. By making the appropriate corrections and changes, it will be possible to further improve the Site and make sure that it can rank well in the pages with the search results (SERPs) that the Search Engines return. In addition, using the commands made available, it will be possible to export resources and delete those that are no longer related.

You can remove resources that are no longer connected during Project export too with the Optimize the project resources button.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Statistics display

When the Website has been saved at least once, it will be automatically analyzed the first time you open the Project Optimization window. After that, when you want to update the results, you can start analyzing the Website  by clicking on the Start button. The results of the analysis are shown in the left-hand column of the window:


WebSite Optimization: expresses the project's level of optimization as a percentage.

WebSite Size: gives the size of the website (the overall size of all the files published online).

Total Pages: gives the number of pages in the project.

Total Products: gives the number of Products available in the e-commerce shopping cart for this project.

Number of Articles: reports the number of Articles created for the Blog associated with the Project.

Project size: the size of the Project file (namely the .iwzip file).

Linked resources: the overall size of all the resources currently used on the Project.

Resources linked to the Backups: the overall size of all the files which are no longer used on the Project, but which are still linked to the backup copies of the Project itself.

Not linked resources: the overall size of all the resources which are no longer used on the Project.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Errors, Alerts and General Information

At the end of the Website analysis, two tables are displayed in the middle of the window, and they show:

A list of the Website elements in which possible irregularities have been detected.

The Website elements that are analyzed and may appear in this list are:

oPrivacy and Security
oSticky Bar
oText Style
oPages and Levels
A list of the Errors, Alerts and General Information detected for the element selected in the first table.

Errors could compromise the correct functioning of the website and/or optimization, and it is highly recommended that they are corrected before the website is exported online. Common errors are mistakes in manually-entered HTML code, missing fonts and links to inexistent elements.

Alerts refer to elements that could be further optimized. They mainly refer to titles and their length, descriptions of pages and texts and alternative text for images.

General Information gives suggestions on possible improvements that could be made: the inclusion of sitemap.xml and robots.txt files, the size of pages and images, etc.

Each Error, Alert and General Information is accompanied by a Description and the Position (if available).

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands for the Project optimization

The toolbar, above these two tables, contains the following commands:

Errors / Alerts / Information

You can activate and deactivate the display of the Errors, Alerts and General Information in the table.


You can save the results of the Project analysis in a report, which can be kept and/or shared.


It is useful to create a backup copy of the files used when creating the Project. Use the drop-down menu to choose among:

Export the connected resources: to create a backup copy of the files that are indeed used in the Project, excluding those no longer connected.
Export unconnected resources: to create a backup copy of the resources that are no longer connected, possibly to later delete them.

Exported files are saved in the specified Destination folder and, to keep them divided by type, they are organized into the following subfolders: Images, Videos, Fonts, Documents (e.g., pdf) and Others.

Delete unconnected resources: to remove files that are no longer used in the Project. This can reduce the size of the Project file and, consequently, of any backup copies.


This option opens a new window where you can correct the selected Error, Alert or General Information. Alternatively, double-click on the description of the entry in the table.

The project must have been saved at least once before you can start the project analysis.

After you have made the suggested changes, you must update the analysis results by clicking on the Start button a second time.


Read the guides:


How to check SEO optimizations before exporting the website