Commands in the Users section

Step 1 - Settings > Access Management >

Commands in the Users section

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In the Groups and Users with priority access box, you will see a table with a list of groups/users for whom a profile has already been created, and the e-mail address and notes for each user.

If Automatic Registration has been enabled, next to the user names, you may see a red or yellow dot, which indicate respectively whether that user has entered an e-mail that has already been used by someone else, or  that the e-mail address validation process has not been completed.

If, on the other hand, visitors must register before buying things from the store (using the Allow user registration option in Shopping Cart | Customer Details), a shopping cart icon is shown next to the names of visitors who registered during their first purchase.

A toolbar with the following commands is shown above the Group/User table:

Expand - Collapse

These two commands expand/collapse the selected group, thus either showing or hiding the names of the users in it.


This command starts downloading the complete list of users. The list is saved as a .CSV file, and includes both users who have manually registered and those who have registered automatically. E-mail, name and surname, registration date and registration IP are given for each user.

The .CSV file with the user data can easily be imported to an e-mail program/system: you can use the file to set up newsletter campaigns for registered users.

Update the list of users who have registered online

This option is available if Automatic Registration has been set as the Registration Mode: it downloads the list of users who have registered automatically from the Internet, and adds them to the Automatic Registration group.

The Automatic Registration group is different to the other User groups. First of all, the list of members can only be updated by the Update the list of users who have registered online button: new users cannot be added manually with the New User command.

Furthermore, the users in the Automatic Registration group cannot be changed using the Edit... command, or used to create an Alias with the Create Alias command. If you want to carry out similar operations, you must first move the user from the Automatic Registration group to a Users group or the Administrators group.

When you have created the users with their access credentials, and organized them in groups, you can go to Step 3 - Map to define the pages to be locked and indicate which groups/users can access each one.

After having updated the user list, with the Update the list of users who have registered online button,  the operations carried out on the Users will take effect only after the website has been published online. This means, for example, that the list of downloaded users will not be removed from the online Control Panel until the website is republished online.

The commands for creating the list of groups and users with access to locked pages are shown next to the groups/users table:

New Group: you can create a new group: if you organize similar users in groups they are easier to manage. Groups don't have any particular settings: they are simply "containers" and are added directly to the table. Double-click on a group if you want to change its name.

You may sometimes find it easier to organize users if you further divide them into sub-groups. There is no limit to the number of groups and sub-groups you create.

Two groups are present in the list by default: Administrators and Users. The Administrators group includes the website Administrators and they have access to all the Locked pages in your website.; the Users Group includes the users that have been manually created. Furthermore, in the Pro edition, if, in the Settings section, the Automatic Registration option is set as the Registration Mode, the Automatic Registration group appears, including all the users who have registered automatically online.

All the users in the Administrators group can use their e-mail and password to access the online Control Panel (which is at the URL http// where http// is the website's URL). The website administrator can use the online control panel to view the website hit statistics, manage comments on the posts in the Blog or Comments and Ratings Object, manage orders and stock levels, manage new user registrations, view diagnostics statistics, etc.

New User: this command opens the User Settings window where you can add a new user to the selected group and give him a login and password.
Create Alias: you can create an Alias for the selected user. This option is useful when a user has to be added to more than one group, to have access to different locked pages. This option is not available for users in the Administrators group because they have access to all locked pages. The Alias remains associated with the user so any changes made to one are automatically applied to the other. You can also create an Alias by selecting a user in a group and dragging the name to another group. Before releasing the mouse button to drop the name into the second group, press the CTRL key.
Remove: you can remove the selected group or user. You cannot remove the Administrators group,or the Admin user in it.
Edit...: this command opens the User Settings window where you can change the settings for the selected user.



Read the guides:


How to manually define users and groups with access to Locked Pages


How to activate and edit the Administrator's profile