User Settings

Step 1 - Settings > Access Management > The 'Users' section >

User Settings

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The User Settings window opens when you select the New User or Edit... commands in the Access Management window, and you can set the access credentials for a new user, who has been registered manually, with Manual Registration, or display and edit, if necessary, access credentials of users who have registered directly on the website, using the Automatic Registration (only available in the Pro edition).

The commands for creating a new user are:

Name / Last Name: enter the name and surname of the user who is to have access to certain Locked Pages in the website.
E-mail Address: enter the e-mail address hat the user must use to display the Locked Pages.
Password: enter a password which the new user will use to access the Locked Pages. If Manual Registration is used, you just have to click on the lock icon to generate a password made up of 8 characters (letters and numbers), chosen at random:  it can be changed. If Automatic Registration is used, the user choose his own password when he registers and, for the sake of privacy, it is disguised as it is typed in. In both cases, the password can be sent to the user (if he forgets it, for example) from the online Control Panel.
Entrance Page: this option takes you to the website Map and you can specify the page to be displayed after the user has given his login and password.
Note: this is an optional field: you can add notes on the user.
IP Address: if a user has registered automatically, the IP address of the computer from which the registration was made is shown here.
Registration Date: a calendar is displayed so you can indicate the date the new user was registered.

The information in the Note, Registration Date and, in the Pro edition, IP Address options is not added to the website's code: their sole purpose is to facilitate the website Administrator's task of user management.

In the Pro edition, for users who have registered directly from the website (Automatic Registration), the following notices may appear at the bottom of the window:

Incomplete validation: this notice is shown in yellow and indicates that the user has not validated his e-mail address (see Enable E-mail Address Validation in the Enable E-mail Address Validation | Settings window). It is possible that a user does not not receive the validation request e-mail because his anti-spam filter won't let the e-mail through, for example. In these cases, you can use the Validate button to manually validate the e-mail address and so complete the user's registration.
E-mail already in use: if this is shown in red, this means that the user has given an e-mail that has already been used. E-mails must be unique, and the conflict must be resolved.

These notices also appear in the Groups and Users with priority access table (see Access Management | Users), where a red or yellow dot is shown next to the name of the user in question, and in the online Control Panel.

When you have created the users with their access credentials, and organized them in groups, you can go to Step 3 - Map to define the pages to be locked and indicate which groups/users can access each one.

After having updated the user list, with the Update the list of users who have registered online button,  the operations carried out on the Users will take effect only after the website has been published online. This means, for example, that the list of downloaded users will not be removed from the online Control Panel until the website is republished online.


Read the guides:


How to manually define users and groups with access to Locked Pages


How to activate and edit the Administrator's profile