Shopping Cart | The Product Settings window

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Shopping Cart | The Product Settings window

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The Product Settings window opens when you select the New Product or Edit... commands in the Shopping Cart | Product List section, and you can define and add a new product.

The window is organized in the following sections:

Digital product
Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the General section

You can use the commands in this section to give basic information on a new product to add to the Shopping Cart.

The options for defining a new product are:

Name/Code: you can give a name or a code to the product.
Description: you can write a description of the product.
Price: you can specify the price of the product.
VAT (%): if you select this option, you can specify the VAT rate to apply to the product. This option is available if you have set the Type as "VAT included" or "VAT excluded" as the VAT settings in Shopping Cart | Options.

Depending on how you want to organize your shopping cart, you can add products with prices that already include VAT or you can quote prices without VAT, which is useful for those articles which have a particular VAT rate applied to them, and add the tax separately for each article.

Weight: enter the weight of the current product, so that the correct shipping charges can be calculated (see The Shipping Type window).

Depending on the type of product you want to add to the shopping cart, you can use the Weight option to express the weight in kilograms or grams, liters, cubic meters or any other unit of measure. Shipping costs need to be calculated correctly so it is important to choose the most appropriate unit of measure and apply it to all the products in the shopping cart.

Link (ie Product Page): this option opens the Link window where you can specify a link for the current product. The link could be, for example, to the website page that presents the product in detail.
Set this Product as 'New': if you select this option, the current product will be marked as "New".

Products that are marked as "New" have a different icon to the others in the Shopping Cart | Product List.

If you have selected the Set this Product as 'New' option for a product, its product card created with the Product Catalog Object will have the "New Product" rosette in it.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Image section

You can use the commands in this section to add photos to a product in the Shopping Cart.

You can import a number of photos to create a Slideshow of the product: when visitors click on the single photos, an enlarged version will be shown in the ShowBox.

Only the first photo associated with a product is shown in the shopping cart. The others can be seen in the product card, if you create one using the Product Catalog Object.

The options for creating the list of photos to associate with a product are:

Add... / Remove: you can add photos or remove the selected ones from the list that makes up the Slideshow. You can select several files at a time in the window that opens.
Move up / Move down: you can change the order of the photos added to the Slideshow, moving the selected photo up or down to a new position in the list.
Edit...: this option opens the Image Editor where you can edit the selected photo.

The following options are available in the ShowBox Properties section:

Maximum size: you can specify the maximum width/height of the Showbox where enlarged versions of the photos are displayed. Leave the Keep Ratio selected to keep the ratio between width and height.

You can customize the style of the Showbox: using the options in Step 2, in the Pop-up window Showbox window, you can define colors, shadows, opacity, entry effects, etc.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Options section

You can use the commands in this section to create the list of options and, in the Pro edition,  sub-options that are available for the new product you are adding to the Shopping Cart.

The main options of a product are, for example, the size, color and alternative models of the same product. For example, the "XY T-shirt" may have the main size options  "S", "M" and "L": in the Pro edition,  the sub-options for "S" may be "Black", "Red" and "Green"; the sub-options for "M" may be "Black" and "White", and so on.

Customers can view a complete list of the available options in the e-commerce shopping cart and/or the product cards created using the Product Catalog Object, and select the one he wants to order.

The commands for creating the Main Option List are:

Add...: you can add the new main option for the current product. It will be displayed in the Main Option List and you can define it, using the options in the Main Option Settings section.
Remove: you can delete the selected main option from the Main Option List.
Move up / Move down: you can change the order of the main options in the list, moving the selected option up or down to a different position.

You can define the main options in the Main Option Settings:

Name/Code: give a name or code to the main option you are creating for the current product.
Price difference: specify the variation in price for the main option, with respect to the Price of the product indicated in the General section.
Weight difference: specify the variation in weight of the main option, with respect to the Weight of the product indicated the General section.
Sub-options List: specify the sub-options that are available for the main option of the current product. You can create the list of sub-options using the Add..., Remove and Rename... buttons.
Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Digital product section

The commands in this section are only available in the Pro of WebSite X5. You can use them to specify whether the product you are configuring is a digital product, where customers don't receive a physical delivery of goods but, instead, they receive an e-mail containing the link from where the relative file can be downloaded.

If you want to configure a digital product, select the Digital product option. Then you have to indicate the file that is to be sent as a link when the order is dispatched. You can choose which File type to use:

Local File on PC: click on the button to browse through the files on your PC and choose the one relating to your product. The file will be automatically loaded online when the website is published.
Internet file: in this case, you must give the URL address of the product's file where it can be found online.

Once you have specified the product's file, you have the following options available:

Use temporary download link: if you choose this option, a temporary link will be created when an order is dispatched. The address in the temporary link isn't the actual URL address of the file, and it is this temporary link that is given to the customer for downloading the file.
Number of days download link is valid for: if you have selected Use temporary download link, you can specify the number of days that the temporary link will be active for when the customer receives it.

Temporary download links help to protect your digital product: the URL of the original file is not displayed and, therefore, cannot easily be found and shared on the Internet.

Remember that:

a different temporary download link is created for each order
the temporary download link becomes active when the order dispatch e-mail, containing the link, is sent to the customer.
Delivery information: with this option, you can write any useful information on downloading and using the file that the customer may need, and this will be included in the order dispatch e-mail.

If you want to sell digital products in your online store, you must first select the Send data to a Database option as the Sending order method in the Shopping Cart | Sending order window.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Discount section

You can use the commands in this section to set a discount for the new product in the Shopping Cart.

If you tick the Enable Quantity Discount option, you can create a list of the discounts to apply according to the number of products ordered. These bulk discounts are shown in a list, and the commands for creating them are:

Add...: this command opens the Quantity Discount window, and you can add a bulk discount for the current product. You can define the product Quantity that must be the same as or more than the order for the Discount (%) to be applied.
Remove: you can delete the selected bulk discount from the list.
Edit...: this command opens the Quantity Discount window, where you can change the selected bulk discount. You can also double-click on the discount to edit it.

In addition to bulk discounts, in the Pro edition of WebSite X5 there are other types of discount that can be applied:

Fixed Discount: you can have a fixed discount on the product price, equal to the amount indicated in the field provided.
Percentage Discount: you can specify the discount as a percentage of the product's price, entering the percentage in the field.
Valid from / Expires on: these options specify the date (using the calendar that appears) and the beginning and end of the validity of the Fixed Discount or Percentage Discount.

The discount you choose can then be used to create a coupon, with this option:

Apply the discount rate with the Coupon: if you select this option, the fixed or percentage discount will be applied only if the customer enters his coupon code in the field provided. If a time limit has been set for the discount, the coupon will be valid for that period.

The coupon code can be a string of alphanumeric characters, a word or a short phrase: these are no limits to the code, but we do advise you to use simple codes to aid the users. The Apply the discount rate with the Coupon field displays a list of all the coupons you have created, for your convenience.

The shopping cart field in which the coupon code is entered is case-sensitive: if the same two words are entered, they are differentiated by upper- and lower-case letters.

If you apply a fixed/percentage discount to a product, the bulk discount is calculated on the discounted price.

Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Availability section

You can use the commands in this section, only available in the Pro edition of WebSite X5, to add information on the availability in stock of a new product in the Shopping Cart to its description.

First of all, you have to choose from the menu whether and how you want to show product availability. Various options are available, depending on the item you choose in the menu. These options are:

No information on product availability: this is the default value: no further information on the product's availability is added.
Approximate quantity: choose this option for a general indication of product availability, indicated by the color of the icon shown next to the product name. In this case you can choose from:
In Stock: The product is available and there are no shipping delays.
Limited availability: The product is out of stock or awaiting delivery. Shipping may be delayed.
Out of Stock: The product is no longer available and cannot be added to the cart.
Available quantity: choose this option for a precise indication of product availability. In this case, the number of articles available is shown next to the product name. The parameters for setting the Available quantity are:
Quantity currently in stock: this displays the quantity of products currently available. The date and time of the last quantity update is shown in brackets.

The Quantity currently in stock option displays a read-only field: it gives the quantity but you cannot change this value. The value is updated when the website is published online, according to how Quantity to add/remove has been set up and on the basis of the order situation handled via the online control panel or the WebSite X5 Manager app, or you can use the Update button in the Shopping Cart | Product List window.

Quantity to add/remove: this indicates how many product articles must be added or removed, with respect to the Quantity currently in stock.
Warn if quantity falls below: this indicates the minimum quantity of product articles that must be available in stock. When the level goes below this amount, a warning message is displayed in the summary table in the Shopping Cart | Product List window and the products in question are added to the Low Stock tab in the E-commerce section of the online control panel and the WebSite X5 Manager app.

To be able to set the Available quantity of products, you must first select the Send data to a Database option as your Sending order method, in the Shopping Cart | Sending order window.

Depending on current availability, the product description (shown in the product card that is created with the Product Catalog Object,  or in the e-commerce shopping cart) will also include an icon (if you use the Approximate quantity method) or a number (if you use the Available quantity method). You can define icon styles with the Product Availability option in Shopping Cart | Options.

Orders and stock availability can be managed either from the online Control Panel or with the WebSite X5 Manager app. The app lets you enable push notifications for when stock levels fall below the specified minimum quantities.

For more information, see How to manage orders and product availability in stock


Best practices:


How to create an e-commerce shopping cart


How to manage orders and product availability in stock