Commands in the Sitemap section

Step 4 - Pages > Image Object >

Commands in the Sitemap section

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You can use the commands in this section to give further information on your image, that is used in the website's SiteMap.

First of all, select the Add Image to Sitemap option: information you add on the image will be added to the SiteMap that WebSite X5 creates automatically (see Automatically create a SiteMap in Statistics, SEO and Code |  SEO). The following settings can then be defined:

Title: (optional parameter) you can give the image a title.
Caption: (optional parameter) you can give the image a caption or a brief description.
Geographical position (e.g. Address, Town, etc): (optional parameter) you can give general information, such as an address, town or country which help locate the image geographically.
Licence URL: (optional parameter) you can give the URL of the file that contains the image's user license.

Information on images that are protected against unauthorized copying cannot be included in the SiteMap (see Protect Image against copy in the previous section, Display).


Read the guides:


How to create and link the website's SiteMap